Review #20: Boondocks - Amarillo, Texas
Last weekend I made the trek up to Amarillo. I figured the beef capital of the world would probably be a good place to look for a good fat burger. I just love it when I am right. Following the advice of my sister-in-law and brother - I visited Boondocks. Boondocks is what some people would classify as a biker bar. To me - it just looked like a bar. No bikers that I could see although I did visit Boondocks in broad daylight... the nighttime crowd may be a little different. All I know is bikers or no bikers Boondocks lived up to every single last bit of hype from my sister-in-law and brother... Boondocks had one mean mean MEAN burger!!! SO mean infact - it inspired me to create a brand new category to rank the burgers.... The Gravedigger.
IMPORTANT: If you haven't already, please read the Texas Burger Guy terminology post. That will help you understand the terminology I use in this review.
Boondocks "Boonie Burger"
Approaching the Boondocks restaurant - I noticed that this place was unlike any other I had visited. Number 1 - there were no windows that I could see anywhere on the building. Upon entering Boondocks, this place definitely had the look and feel of a certified burger joint though. Nothing fancy - no frilly junk. But enough with the atmosphere talk... I came here for one thing and one thing only... I wanted to meet this Boonie Burger I have been hearing so much about. Lo and behold when the Boonie landed on my table - I knew the multi hour trip to Amarillo from Houston was worth it.. WOW!!! This is how I see the Boonie Burger ranking in the TexasBurgerGuy categories:
Oooze Factor
My brother ordered some cheesesticks that you can take a look at below. I started praying that the burger would be as greasy as the cheesesticks cause my oh my were those things dripping with grease. I was not disappointed when my Boonie Burger was delivered. The white paper covering the burger was already starting to become transparent from the grease. The patty just shined from the oooze. This burger reminded me why I love greasy burgers... it was awesome!!! This baby had enough oooze to clog your arteries then slick your hair back. The fries were grease sticks as well. Just the way I like em!!
Oooze Factor Rating: 9
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Herd Killer
As you can probably tell from the pictures - the Boonie Burger is a double meat burger. Granted most of the other burgers I have reviewed have all been single patty burgers. I just went and ordered what was recommended which is what I usually will do when I do my reviews. My brothers both ordered single patty burgers. I took a picture of his single patty bacon cheeseburger. It was awesome!!! Absolutely no question that both the single patty and the Boonie Burger were top notch 100% certified herd killer burgers. Only in Amarillo Texas can you find a burger the size of this thing... it was HUGE!!! It almost made me feel sorry for the herd or 2 that were slaughtered to put this beauty on my plate. Almost.
Herd Killer Rating: 9
I discovered after eating the Boonie Burger that a good sized hard to handle burger can't be eaten head on.. you have to take a bite - then your other bites have to be angled off of that one because it is so big. I had to do exactly that to get this monster down. It was good though... I loved every minute of it.
Handling Rating: 9
Bling Bling
I'd probably paid 10 bucks for this thing as full as it made me. No kidding - 10 o'clock that night I was just starting to feel a tad bit hungry again. Absolutely amazing how full I was after eathing this thing... No question this thing was worth every penny...
Bling Bling Rating: 9
This is my first ever review to use the Gravedigger category. This category ranks a burger by gauging the number of days it will take off your life... This category is inspired by the Boonie Burger. I created this because as I drove away from Boondocks - thoughts started creeping into my mind that maybe I should increase my life insurance a little... That thing was mean.... And because it really worried me that I might drop dead after eating it... the Boonie Burger is going to get a very high Gravedigger ranking...
Gravedigger Rating: 9 Shovels
Overall Boondocks "Boonie Burger" Rating: 9.5
Restaurant Review
Boondocks was a one of a kind restaurant. It is actually a Bar and Grill. There are pool tables, video games, a rather loud juke box that I am sure plays country music all the time. Lots of posters and neon signs and so forth... Boondocks definitely had character... no doubt about that. The menu was good... lots of burgers that you couldn't find anywhere else. They marinate their burgers in something. I think mine was marinated in beer or something... it had an extra little flavor to it that made it unique. I can't stroll into another burger joint and find a Boonie Burger. If you can't tell already - I really did like Boondocks! We tried the cheese sticks, fries, bacon cheeseburger, regular cheeseburger, and the Boonie Burger. Man oh man... all of it was awesome!
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Despite the rough outer shell and reputation that some of these biker bar type places have - Boondocks was nothing like that.... during the day. I felt welcomed there and our waitress could not have been any nicer to us. She also provided excellent service as well. I really enjoyed the whole Boondocks experience. It was a one of a kind type establishment I visited in Amarillo that fateful day. I think it might just have dethroned my Number 1 Burger Joint...
Go to Amarillo and follow the Harleys.
711 W 10th St
Amarillo, Texas
TBG Overall Rating
Excellent food!!!! Excellent service!!!! One of a kind burger joint! If you are EVER in Amarillo - stop by (during the day) and get yourself a Boonie Burger! You won't be disappointed!
Overall TBG Rating for Boondocks: 9.5