Review #8: Kincaid's Hamburgers - Fort Worth, Texas

Since the very first time I started discussing the TexasBurgerGuy concept with people - EVERY person I spoke to said I had to try Kincaid's in Fort Worth. They claimed it was hands down the best burger joint in Texas. That is a mighty bold statement. Obviously with such high expectations, I was prepared for a royal letdown. I am happy to report that Kincaid's definitely lived up to at least part of the expectations. They do have without a doubt the most unique atmosphere I have EVER witnessed in visiting various burger joints. I'll talk more about this later. As for the burger... mmm mama... it was a big, thick, juicy, 2-handed monster that made me remember why I enjoy travelling around the state enjoying mom and pop burger joints.
IMPORTANT: If you haven't already, please read the Texas Burger Guy terminology post. That will help you understand this review.
Kincaid's Cheeseburger Review
Almost the entire TexasBurgerGuy family made the trip to Kincaid's located just west of downtown Fort Worth. As we approached the restaurant - I was shocked at the amount of cars parked outside. I was sure we were in for an hour wait just to sit down. My step brother jokingly said that they move you in and out of this place like cattle at a stockyard. Well - he was on the money. They do feed you like you are at a stockyard which makes Kincaid's a one of a kind in my mind. Not only is the restaurant itself a one of a kind - but when my burger arrived - I discovered that the atmosphere was just the opening act for what proved to be a very enjoyable burger eating experience. Here is how I see the Kincaid's Cheeseburger ranking in the TexasBurgerGuy categories:
Oooze Factor
Once my burger arrived and I had unwrapped it from the paper it was wrapped in - I opened up the bun to take a look under the hood as it were. I wanted to catch a peek of the patty and the inner workings of the burger. I spotted a fair amount of ooze all around the bun, vegetables and especially the patty. The sheer size of the patty made me a little bit nervous. I was worried that with the patty being as big as this one was that it would surely be dried out in parts of the patty. Well - all that worrying came to an end when I took my first bite. The patty was very moist. It wasn't too moist in that the bun was all "ooozed out" or anything like that. It was just fine in the oooze category. Pretty good oooze!
Oooze Factor Rating: 8
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Herd Killer
Seeing as how we were in Fort Worth - just a few miles from the Fort Worth Stockyards - I was going to be really depressed if Kincaid's had a little weak looking patty. Man oh man - this thing was by no means a weak patty. Halfway through the burger I stopped and almost took another picture to share with you all the size of the patty. It had to be an inch thick in the middle of that thing. I had never thought about this - but another important attribute is slopage. That is where the patty is thin on the outside to kindof draw the eater in to the middle where the real meat is. This burger had slopage - no doubt. It is safe to say that more than a few cattle mosied on down the road from the stockyards and were placed between 2 buns at Kincaids! Great herd killer burger!!!
Herd Killer Rating: 9
I wish I had gotten an "aerial view" shot on the burger so that you could fully appreciate the size. It isn't a one handed burger. Definitely a full 2 handed burger and then some.
Handling Rating: 7
Bling Bling
This category is where this burger really shines. This bad boy of a burger was just $3.85!!! I left Kincaid's feeling like I had easily trimmed off 3 days of my life for a very small amount of money! Where else can you die sooner and still keep some money in your pocket!!! WOO HOO!! Absolutely one of the best values out there - hands down!!
Bling Bling Rating: 9
Overall Kincaid's Cheeseburger Rating: 9
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Restaurant Review
Kincaid's other menu items were pretty good. We tried the Chili Cheeseburger, Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Grilled Cheese, Onion rings, and the fries. Fries were plain ore-ida style fries. Nothing really special. The Onion rings were good and greasy. They were the "soft and slippery" kind of onion. Mrs. TexasBurgerGuy really liked them. I thought they were pretty good myself. I had a bite of the Chili Cheeseburger and it was pretty awesome!! Meat on more meat with cheese.... oh yeah - my heart is just hating me but the burger was good. All in all - I didn't eat anything that I didn't like at Kincaid's.
My step brother was driving and he said before we left that it was easy to drive right by Kincaid's and not even see it. He was right about that as we drove right past Kincaid's. Once we arrived and made our way into Kincaid's - I got very excited. I knew immediately that I was in for a very unique dining experience. Kincaid's is very unique in that they offer stand up eating. There are 3 rows of stand up tables which I think are not really tables - it is really the stock room for the restaurant with tables mounted on top. In the front there are several picnic tables with more picnic tables on the far wall. We went to Kincaid's around 1 pm on a Saturday and there were LOTS of people there. We had to stand and I am actually very glad we had to because I feel we got to experience the uniqueness of Kincaid's by standing and eating. I highly recommend it when you go. **TBG Warning** You don't want to go to Kincaid's while they are busy if you are any of the following: anti-social, snob, suffer from Agoraphobia (fear of waiting in lines), not from Texas, or suffer from BO. You have to go into this place ready to rub shoulders with your fellow Texans. All in all a one of a kind dining experience I won't soon forget.
Since I am not from Fort Worth - I am going to have to direct you to the map below to find your way. All I can tell you is get on I-30 West of Fort Worth and take the Camp Bowie exit and go north. It will be on your right.
4901 Camp Bowie Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX 76107
Map: Map to Kincaid's
TBG Overall Rating
Overall a VERY good burger in an unforgettable environment. I had heard all the talk but nothing beats being there yourself. Now I understand why everybody raves about this place. Do yourself a favor and make the trip to Kincaid's. You won't soon forget it.
Overall TBG Rating for Kincaid's Hamburgers: 8
Other Reviews of Kincaid's: